Sometimes however, the main consideration is the hourly rate of childcare versus the hourly rate for the parents. Depending on your situation, sometimes the math just doesn't justify one alternative over the other. Fortunately, there are programs to help when ends don't meet.
Age-old writer's wisdom says to "write what you know." I struggle with that sometimes because I'd really love to offer advice about things I know nothing about, like crafting, couponing or being a non-yelling mom. But I do know...
Pregnancy is one of the most admirable sacrifices a woman makes in her lifetime. The result of intense morning sickness, countless sleepless nights, and many trips to the bathroom is a beautiful bundle of joy; a baby to call...
But I turn and clutch the doll to my chest, suppressing tears. This doll, placed so tenderly on the step, is an offering to the passage of time, to growing up, to letting go. It hurts my heart. I don’t want it to come yet. Slowly, I make my way down the stairs, cradling the doll.
My fiancé and I found out we were expecting our first child before our wedding date, before the bouquet toss. Deviating from the norm of having a baby after the wedding taught me how to forge a new path for a perfectly imperfect life...
I was digging into a new book that a fellow mama encouraged me and a few other girlfriends to read, and as I opened the introduction the writer started talking about the day she became a mom. She spoke about...
Having reached a point where your grief has subsided to intermittent passing thoughts rather than a constant state of pain, technology throws a punch in the form of an algorithm from Facebook-land. A little message pops up to remind you that "5 years ago today you... were just letting everyone know that you "won't actually be having a baby in July, no heartbeat."" And you will get to relive that grief all over again.
Enough. Enough is Enough. But what is enough? Am I enough? Do I do enough? Do I earn enough? Do we play enough? Is the house big enough? Are the kids happy enough? How do you measure? How do you know?...
When your water breaks, you know you need to giddy on up to the hospital. But when contractions are making you feel like you might die from the inside yet are still eight minutes apart, you call the hospital twice thinking maybe they'll take pity on you this time and tell you to come have your baby. Spoiler alert: they won't.
I thought I would share with you some of the things I have learned over the last six years about finding daycare in Colorado Springs through a series of posts that break down the advantages and disadvantages of all the options.

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