Children are using the Internet in record numbers – to play games, do schoolwork, watch videos, meet up with their classes and teachers online. In other words, many kids are online for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. The question is: Are they safe? A...
I am raising serious bookworms in my house. For which I am eternally grateful. They would read all day, every day, if left to their own devices. We have a rolling cart for library trips, which are still frequent....
She should be sleeping in her own bed... I know it. But I don't really care. I have been out of pocket for almost a week for one reason or another.I'm tired; I'm emotionally spent. My heart has ached...
If you have been momming your way through school closures, camp shutdowns and a playdate-free summer, and you haven’t relaxed your screen time limits, well you are a better COVID-19 mom than I. But for the rest of us...
If you missed part 1 of this post, I talked about ways to keep your kids reading over the summer to avoid the “summer slide.”  Today, I want to give you some easy ways to keep your kids doing...
Worried about the “summer slide” happening to your kids?  If your kids are anything like mine, they forget things they knew pretty easily. To avoid this, our kids need lots of practice with skills they’ve learned during the school...
I spent my summers pre-kids working for and running summer camps. I met and fell in love with my husband at camp. Deep down inside, I still love belting camp songs, complete with motions. It is in my blood....
I recently came across a list of 40 things that today's kids need to learn. I read through the list and it got me thinking about the stuff I have taught my son or want to teach him that...
Be available. Make sure that you have time to talk with your kids. If they ask something that needs time, make the time. Schedule a special time to talk, go out to eat or talk a walk together. These conversations matter. If they don't get the information from you, they'll get it somewhere.
Pushing your buttons is a skill at which most children excel. With utter amazement, we realize that in mere minutes our children can bring out our worst. I have used a possessed demon voice with my children during super...

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