During the first year of college, my world shattered into a thousand sharp-edged pieces.  While those around me were immersed in a college life full of books, parties and excitement; I became a brittle, broken 20-year-old. A sudden flood...
Hi. I'm Evelyn, and I struggle with Mommy Anger. Yes, it's a real thing and I'm not alone. A great many, great mothers out there wrestle with getting angry at their children, too. Mommy Anger is not a thing to be dismissed. It...
Pregnancy is one of the most admirable sacrifices a woman makes in her lifetime. The result of intense morning sickness, countless sleepless nights, and many trips to the bathroom is a beautiful bundle of joy; a baby to call...
I’m closing in on 40. I have long believed that the 30’s are the best decade, but am starting to wonder if my 40’s may be even better. The longer I live, the less I care about what others...
I see you. You who share your wounds publicly. I see your vulnerability whether it’s with the hashtag or sharing part of your story. The courage I see in you inspires me. I admire your bravery and strength and...
  I am truly curious: how often do you share your mom mistakes? When you have a #momfail moment, do you broadcast it to a select group of fellow mama/warriors? Or do you keep it to yourself? The first time I...
The fact that I install my daughter in her seat correctly is a habit I don’t even think about now. But it's one that may have helped saved her life that summer night.
It was a normal day. We had just come back from some late morning errands. I got everyone back in the house and lunch started. Driving home, we were discussing everyone having dinosaur nuggets. Enthusiasm and cheer erupted from...
Do you want to learn a secret of how I keep my New Year’s Resolutions? It all started with a tiny swoosh mark. Do you know what Nike means? In Greek mythology, Nike is the winged goddess of victory. The sportswear...
2020 has been a bit of a garbage year, but there has been one unexpected benefit – this mama finally found a way to move it. We all know the benefits of a workout. Reduced stress, lower anxiety, improved blood...

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