I honestly can't believe it's been 20 years since we stood in front of our family and friends, and said "I do." For richer or poorer, better or worse, in sickness and in health, we pledged our love to...
When it’s all said and done, your kids won’t remember clean dishes or laundry—they’ll remember you. Your heart. Your love. So love well, Mama, and let the rest go. And remember: you are enough. Just as you are, the incredible creation that is you.
Oh, newlyweds... That bridal glow! That unmistakable bliss! The happiness that makes people gag! That was all there for my husband and me. But our first year of marriage also was covered with a thick, black blanket of despair. My...
I never thought in a million years that my life would have taken the twists and turns that it has. I have a big imagination, but I never imagined nor planned on doing this parent thing or life on...
So, take it from me, who should have followed her mother's advice: Always Work. Work doesn't necessarily have to mean working for pay outside the home. But don't let too much time go by without being involved with something.  And when you do, record it and get references.

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