During my first pregnancy, I didn’t do too much different from the normal to take care of myself - besides sleeping a lot and eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted. Who am I kidding? That isn't very different....
Bringing a new baby into the family packs quite the emotion-punch. Oh, all the emotions: Joy. Sadness. Fear. Just-let-me-sleep. (That's an emotion, right?) Elation. Contentedness. Anxiety. And that's all in a matter of just ten minutes. AmIright?! If you're anything...
I never thought I would be a mom to all boys. Never. Even before I was married, I pictured, dreamed of and just naively assumed that I would have at least one of each. I loved the idea of...
Motherhood is hard. There are all the things you have to remember all the time. If I have learned anything, it is that there is such a thing as having "baby brain." That sometimes, all the energy you possess is tied up in making a human. That makes you do stupid things.
Last summer, we learned we were pregnant days before the doctors told my dad he had stage 4 cancer with weeks to live. Fast-forward six weeks. We found no heartbeat on the ultrasound only a few days before learning that Dad’s volleyball-size liver tumor was gone. Gone. We lost our precious baby, but got to keep my dad. With the same tears, I both grieved and celebrated.
Days after my oldest was born, I found myself walking around in a fog. I was still recovering from a painful cesarean delivery—one I hadn't planned for or expected. I was trying to adjust to my new normal: sleep...
“This machine is acting up; it’s so difficult to get a good read!” The nurse that was taking my son’s pulse and oxygen level was having a very difficult time. He was only a day old, and my husband and...
From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I dreamed of the day when I would get to bring my baby home and welcome him as part of our family.  I never imagined that my sweet baby boy...
On January 10th, I found out my husband and I were expecting a baby.  Despite the *ahem* challenges of 2020, my pregnancy had been the one thing that had gone right.  https://www.amynicolephotography.org/ Everything was perfect.   Weight - perfect. Blood pressure - perfect. Nausea...
I've been a part of a large moms group since I was pregnant with my first. So I've been involved in many meal trains. And while I'm no real expert on this, I do feel like I've learned a...

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