A few months ago, I finished up a yoga class with a few balance poses. These were not hard poses. They were poses I had done for a while. But for some reason, I couldn't seem to find my...
I rock this parenting thing… until suddenly, I don’t. Last summer I hit my parenting stride as a veteran mother of three, I had gained confidence and skills. Or, at least that is how I felt. I had a well...
Organization is not my natural inclination. As a single person, that worked out most of the time. I probably was not as productive as I could be, but I organized the big stuff - I knew where my extra...
The other day, my ten year old son came home from school and he promptly asked to go outside and play with his friends. I asked the question I always ask, "Do you have any homework?" To which he...
What is your opinion on taking kids out of school for a vacation? As a travel agent, this is a question I hear from my clients a lot. I wish there was a clear-cut answer I could give them, but...
It’s that time of year again!  Parents and kids alike feel like the summer has gone too fast. Let me tell you though, no one feels more like the summer lasted for no time at all than the teachers. Walking...
Now that the first week of school is here, I have a little more free time coming my way. I've spent some time thinking about how to spend my first week with two kids in elementary school. I decided...
I'm a procrastinator, but I'm a planner. I'm organized, but I'm creative. I'm a housewife, but I'm busy. That's why I've fallen in love with the new planner movement taking over social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest.  Gone are the days...
Forget Valentine’s Day. I have a standing date every week. We’re not very exciting, we go to the same place, eat the same meals and sit in the same spot. Every week, without fail. Some people may not consider...
Is conformity starting younger these days? I need advice because there’s an excellent chance I’ll lose my mind if the insanity continues. The Story Let me relay to you the saga of the ORANGE PANTS, then for the love of Pete, please...

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