Two Simple Steps To Sticking With Your Goals in the New Year


Have you ever gotten to the end of the year (or just the end of the week) and felt like you didn’t accomplish all you wanted to? Were there dreams and goals and desires you had that just didn’t happen? 

Maybe your goal is to get stronger by going to the gym consistently. Maybe it’s spending more time outside playing with your kids. Or maybe it’s starting that business you always think about. Perhaps your goal is less “visible” but no less tangible. Like finding your voice, stepping into your freedom, or feeling more at peace in your body. 

Whatever your dream or your goal is, I want 2022 to be the year it happens for you. 


I have two seriously simple tips for sticking with your goals so that this can be the year where your dreams come true. Once that clock strikes midnight, it’s time to confidently dance right into the new year. 

So grab those glass slippers, Cinderella. We’re ready to dive in!

Step 1. Write it down.

I have been in the fitness industry for almost 10 years and I have discovered that the people who get the quickest and best results are the ones who write their goals down on paper.

In this day and age, it may sound like an antiquated practice to grab a pen and paper and write things down, however, it’s a powerful tool that will hyperdrive you towards success. 

Mark Hansen said, “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. 

As you get ready for some “Goal Setting”, keep this question top of mind – Who do you most want to be?

You’ve got this, friend. Now, grab a pen and paper and get started! 

Here are some prompts to get you thinking: 

  1. Write down your “why” and put it somewhere you can see it everyday. Or write down your word for the year. 
  2. Write down your top 3 health and fitness goals.
  3. Write down your top 3 personal goals.
  4. Every week write down 3 goals to focus on that support the goals above that you just wrote down. I like to write goals for my marriage, parenting, and health.

Step 2. Plan for success.

Anatole France said, “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” 

To put it simply: A Dream + Action = Results 

It begins with dreaming big and then narrowing that vision into SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). Then create a plan and solidify it by putting it in your calendar. 

Here’s what that could look like: 

  1. Schedule your workouts and put them in your calendar.

*Write/program your workouts ahead of time so that once your in the gym you can immediately get after it! 

  1. Schedule outdoor/nature time (It’s as essential as exercise and nutrition.)

*Check out my post on the benefits of spending time outdoors! 

1,000 Hours Outside in Colorado Springs

  1. Schedule time to meal prep.

In her book “A Return To Love”, Marianne Williamson wrote “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” 

Don’t you just love that?

Most often, it’s not something external standing in our way. Sometimes it’s what is within us that hinders our potential and creates roadblocks, but no more! 

This new year, embrace your power. I mean, who are you not to be everything you are meant to be?

Cheers to keeping it simple, sticking to your goals, to being brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous. Happy New Year!